How Can I Help?
The money you give to KidsDream helps kids
right here in your neighborhoods have the childhood activities and memories
that they deserve. Helping KidsDream kids lets them know that adults in their
community value them, and that they are deserving of a better future.
Your gift is tax deductible. Our administrative
costs have been underwritten by grants and in-kind donations so that 100% of
your donation goes right to the kids.
You may contribute by:
Join the Wish-A-Month
Club and sponsor a wish every month.
Making a direct DONATE NOW
!!! now via Pay Pal, mailing a check to KidsDream's P.O. box or charging it
to your Mastercard or Visa.
Have your own faith-based organization or business
do a drive for such things as back-to-school supplies, diapers and formula,
gently used clothing for all ages (0-18 yrs) or for toiletries for Comfort Bags
that children and youth receive when they come into care.
KidsDream Basic Needs |
Elementary-School Needs |
Middle-School Needs
Join our KidsDream Mailing List to be informed of
our various fundraisers and support them.
Sponsor a child or two at Christmas.
Sponsor a child or two or earmark your donation to
the Summer Camp Fund.
Thank you! Cindy Walker, Executive
Director of KidsDream 425-583-9090 or
[email protected]